Administrative city, Building n ° 09, n ° 02


Investor support
The Directorate of Tourism and Handicrafts supports investors through several operations, including:
  • Assist and guide investors on the procedures to be followed in achieving their tourism projects.
  • Get bank credit and benefit from support.
  • in the various directions of the states concerned with investment.
  • With the National Trade Center Register.
  • With the National Agency for Investment Development “ANDI”.
  • A practical guide for the investor’s interest in the field of tourism, which has been launched on the Internet since 2012 and is constantly updated.


To take advantage of the benefits provided for by Law 09-16 of 3 August 2016 relating to the promotion of investment, the investments must be registered with the National Agency for Investment Development.
Investment registration is the written procedure that allows an investor to express his or her will to make an investment in an economic activity to produce goods or services.
Investments whose amount equals or exceeds five billion Algerian dinars (5.00,000,000 DA), as well as those that are of special importance to the national economy, are also registered, after the decision of the National Investment Council.
Benefits granted by the National Investment Agency:

1. Common advantages
a. completion stage

a) Exemption from customs rights, in respect of imported goods directly involved in the realization of the investment;
b) Exemption from value-added duties, in respect of imported or locally acquired goods and services directly involved in the realization of the investment;
c) Exemption from paying the right of transfer of ownership in return and the real estate advertising fee for all real estate acquisitions made within the framework of the relevant investment;
d) Exemption from registration rights and fees on real estate advertising and the amounts of national properties that include the right of lien on built and unbuilt real estate destined for the implementation of investment projects, and these advantages apply to the minimum period of the granted concession;
c) a 90% reduction in the amount of the annual rental royalty determined by the state property interests during the investment completion period;
h) Exemption for a period of ten (10) years from real estate fees on real estate properties that fall within the framework of investment, starting from the date of acquisition;
g) Exemption from registration rights in connection with the memorandum of association contracts for companies and capital increases.

b. exploitation stage

For a period of three (3) years for the newly created investments, up to one hundred (100) jobs starting from the start of the activity and after examining the initiation of the activity prepared by the tax authorities at the request of the investor:
Exemption from tax on corporate profits.
b- Exemption from fees for professional activity.
C- A 50% reduction in the annual rental royalty amount determined by the state property interests.
B/ The stage of exploitation: for a period of ten (10) years:
(a) Exemption from tax on corporate profits,
b – Exemption from fees for professional activity.
The period of benefits extends to five (5) years for investments that create more than one hundred (100) jobs during the period between the date of investment registration and the completion of the first year of exploitation, as a maximum (Article 2 of Executive Decree No. 17-105).

2. Additional benefits
a. Featured Activities

The advantages provided for by the joint system are not limited to the fiscal and financial incentives established under the legislative texts in force for the benefit of tourism, industrial and agricultural activities. The existence of several advantages of the same nature, whether those provided for in Law 16-09 relating to the promotion of investment or established under the applicable legislation, shall not lead to their application together. In this case, the investor benefits from better stimulus.

b. Job creation activities

The duration of the exploitation benefits of the joint system extends from (03) to (05) years in the event that more than 100 permanent jobs are created between the date of registration and the end of the first year of the exploitation phase.

3. Exceptional Features

It can extend to:
Extension of the period of exploitation benefits for a period of up to ten (10) years.
Granting an exemption or reduction, in accordance with the legislation in force, for customs and tax rights, fees, subsidies and other facilities that would be consumed under the title of completion during the necessary period.
Common advantages: The projects implemented in the south and the high plateaus and in areas whose development requires a special contribution by the state:

a. completion stage

In addition to the aforementioned advantages: (a) Partial or total sponsorship by the State of the expenses of works related to the basic facilities necessary for the realization of the investment. B – Reducing the amount of the annual rental royalty set by the state property interests, entitled granting lands through concession for the implementation of investment projects: – In the symbolic dinar per square meter (m2) during a period of ten (10) years, and after this period, it will rise to 50% of the royalty amount for state property for investment projects established in the areas belonging to the high hills, as well as other areas whose development requires a special contribution by the state. – In the symbolic dinar per square meter (m2) for a period of fifteen (15) years, after this period, it rises to 50% of the royalty amount for state property for investment projects established in the states of the Greater South. Get financing How to obtain a bank loan? The Ministry in charge of tourism is in contact with the financial and banking institutions, as well as the guarantee bodies that grant the conditions for concessions related to financing: The investment and development program for the tourism sector institutions and their requirements; Rehabilitation of hotel structures, facilitating obtaining the loan and ensuring its guarantee.

1. Financing Profile

– A title deed of the real estate container in which the project is taking place;
– commercial register extract;
– Field approval of the Ministry in charge of Tourism;
– construction license;
– Bank Guarantee;
personal financial contribution;
Technical and economic study;
– Architectural file certified;
– The loan application is encrypted;
– The decision of the National Investment Agency, if any, with the list of equipment that falls within the framework of the agency’s financing.

2. Banks and financial institutions that have an agreement with the Ministry in charge of Tourism

Algerian popular loan. local development bank; The National Insurance and Savings Fund; Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development; loan fund; Al Baraka Bank; Trust Bank Algeria; Societe Generale; Gulf Bank Algeria; Peace Bank; Investment bank.

3. State investment funds

The mission of state investment funds is to facilitate access to financing by small and medium-sized enterprises by taking equity shares. The public authorities have established, in accordance with Article 100 of the Supplementary Finance Act of 2009, forty-eight (48) investment funds in all the states of the country. Currently, six (06) companies have been established, three (03) of which are operational: Investment company: with the contribution of the Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development estimated at 70% and the National Fund for Savings and Savings at 30%. Sofinance: Established by five (05) national companies. Finalab: An Algerian-European mixed company.

4. The percentages of reductions applied in the bank loan

Investments in completed tourism projects in the states of the highlands and the south benefit from a reduction of 4.50% (Supplementary Finance Law of 2009).
Investments in completed tourism projects at the level of the northern states benefit from a reduction of not more than 3%, as a maximum, for a period of five years (Supplementary Finance Law of 2016).

5. Tourism Quality Scheme “Algeria”

According to the guideline for tourism development and in order to ensure the quality of future hotel establishments, the investor can be involved in the “Algeria” tourism quality scheme by signing an efficiency contract with the ministry in charge of tourism. The works related to the modernization of tourism and hotel establishments to be carried out in the states of the North and the States of the South, which are achieved within the framework of the Tourism Efficiency Scheme, respectively, benefit from a reduction of 3% and 4.50% of the interest rate applied to bank loans (Finance Law 2009). In a transitional manner, and until December 31, 9201 (Supplementary Finance Law 2009 / Finance Law 2015), the acquisition of equipment and furnishings that are not produced locally according to hotel specifications that fall within the framework of modernization and rehabilitation processes benefit from the low rate of customs rights.

Tourism development
Tourism development is the process of creating and maintaining the tourism industry in a particular location, in order to:
  • Make tourism one of the engines of economic growth as an alternative to fuel.
  • Ensure a motivational impact on other sectors (public works, agriculture, culture).
  • Reconciling tourism and environment promotion.
  • Valuation of historical, cultural and religious heritage.
  • Permanently improve Algeria’s image.